User Perception of QoS vs Operational Performance in Practical

Why are any differences between the results of measurements of QoSE (QoS Experience by the user) and QoSD (QoS Delivered by the provider), whereas the measurement of QoS and network performance are not contradictory? 

In practice, many factors that influence the customer's perception of the QoS service they received from the provider. 

In general, the perception of the customer is to compare the quality of service that they feel with the quality they expect. Customer expectations are influenced by the rates they pay and the information that they know from the media and from books. In general, if a customer feels an expensive, then their expectations for service quality is high as well. 

Provider of telecommunications equipment owned or rented, and operates with the standard of performance they called KPI (Key Performance Indicator). The better prepared KPI, and the more realistic service rates, the correlation between customer expectations for QoS performance telecommunications systeM, will increase. 

To better understand the expectations of its customers, the provider must have good customer service. Customer service should be a very good understanding of operational performance measured through Key Performance Indicators, as well as understand the relationship between customer complaints with performance indicators. 

The task is customer service is two-way. On the one hand, they should be able to answer customer complaints properly, according to the technical conditions of operation. On the other hand, they should be able to give direction to the company, the translation of the customer's wishes into technical performance criteria. 

Providers that are less, in general, ignore the customer service. As a result, customers will be frustrated. Customers have been disappointed, because he felt the complaint was not answered correctly. Provider engineers also depressed, because it was already successfully operating the device in accordance with technical standards, but it is still considered bad by the company who read so many reports of customer disappointment. 


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